Bail schedules are the basis for which judges set the bail for individual people accused of crimes. They are the starting point for the amount of money the judge will ultimately determine how much it costs to release a person from custody, but a number of factors can influence his or her decision for the accused.

Good points that can reduce the amount of bail required include good standing in the local community, steady employment, home ownership, family presence in the court, and the general disposition when arrested. A good interview with Pre-Trial Services (Criminal Justice Agency) can influence the judge, even though they are not bound by the findings of the CJA.

Bail schedules vary county by county throughout California, but here are links to what some of the larger counties arrive at bail amounts for different crimes.

Orange County Bail Schedule 
Los Angeles County Bail Schedule
Riverside County Bail Schedule
San Diego County Bail Schedule
San Bernardino County Bail Schedule

If you know someone who wants out of jail, you need to know the King. For nearly six decades King Stahlman has made a name for himself by getting people out of jail quickly, quietly, and affordably. Remember, it’s better to know him and not need him than need him and not know him. At any point – 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, holidays, weekends, special events – no case is too big for the King.